Year of the Dragon
To be full of spirit and vigor 🐲
For the Lunar Year of the Dragon, I wanted to create a piece that incorporated my Chinese heritage and culture. I wanted to include Chinese calligraphy as well as merge traditional Chinese imagery and painting technique with my digital style.
I wanted to add an extra layer of depth by also including Chinese metaphors and sayings related to the dragon.
龙马精神 (long2 ma3 jing1 shen3) - To be full of spirit and vigor. The 龙马 is a mythical creature, part-horse part-dragon, that is considered a lucky symbol and is referred to talking about maintaining energy and strength over a long period of time.
人中之龙 (ren3 zhong1 zhi1 long2) - A dragon among men. An expression used to describe exceptional unmatched talent.
望子成龙 (wang4 zi3 cheng2 long2) - To wish your son becomes a dragon. An expression for hope and success (for kids mostly).

Inspiration + Mood board